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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Good Thing I'm Not A Doctor....

.........because I really don't have much patience.   Or maybe I have too much.  That doesn't even really make sense but here's the story...

I went to Giant to get a couple things and went to the self checkout.  I rang my things up, paid and then went to the bottom to bag my things up. Now here's where it gets.....interesting? A guy had walked up behind me in "line" while I was paying.   So I start bagging my items, rather quickly I might add, and all the sudden a 2 liter of soda comes down the ramp and hits my hand.  I looked up shocked.

The guy looks at me and says "Oh, sorry" and then continues to send all his items down the ramp!  It was mixing with the items that I had left and was just SO rude.  Doesn't he know the proper self checkout etiquette!   I bagged the rest of my things and high tailed it out of there but then I seriously thought about it for the next couple hours.  I mean - even if he didn't know how to be polite the machine says aloud "Please wait for the bagging area to be clear"

Anyway - that's all I've got for now.  Opinions? 

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