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Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is Halloween.....(Halloween, Halloween)

Just wanted to do a quick recap of my Halloween!  Hope you all had a great night. 
I decorated for the first time this year!  Here is my Halloween in pictures :)

Visited the pumpkin patch - pre Halloween to get some pumpkins!
Then carved them :)
Decided to go with a Monster theme!
So I decorated my door ala Frakenstein...
and our windows with some creatures too!
Took my pup to Barcstober Fest dressed as a gnome :)
Even though she really wanted to be a taco!
After doing the quick décor this year - I am pumped for decorating next year.  I'll spend more than an hour throwing everything together and plan it to be a little bit more spooky!  If I was into hashtags - here is where I'd throw in a #excited.  But I'm not so pretend you didn't read that :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How Come....

In movies the new student ALWAYS enters the classroom after class has started?  And do new students really get introduced as the new student when they walk into class?  Is this real life? 
Are kids in schools really as anti new kid as movies make it seem? 

O'Doyle Rules!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dear Iphone....

Dear Iphone,
             I promise I will never, ever use the word "ducking" in a sentence so no need to autocorrect my profanity to that word.  Lets work together and be friends.  Thanks for your cooperation.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

9 Things (v.2) .... I watched on TV as a teen.

Continuing the 9 Things post I give you .....

9 Things I watched on TV as a TEEN
Man I was so obsessed with this show.  I used to babysit for a family down the street when I was in High School - every Wednesday night.  The kids used to go to bed at 9 and I would hurry up and put them to bed so I wouldn't miss a minute of this show! 
I think every teenage girl could relate to this show when it was out.  And I admit I was obsessed with this one as well.  As a matter of fact I'd love to have this on DVD.  I mean - who didn't LOVE Jordan Catalano!?
I even went to Borders and bought the Buffalo Tom CD for like $20 bucks (which was a lot for a teen who worked at Wet Seal back then) just because I was so obsessed with this show!
Episodes like London, Miami, Boston, Hawaii etc.  I was hooked.  Not so much on Road Rules although I did watch that too.  I didn't love it as much as the Real World! 
I went back and forth between loving Dawson and Pacey - singing on my own like Joey - and declaring that I would be a screen writer as my profession.  I even wanted to pack up and move to the North Carolina as soon as I graduated!  LOVED this show.
I loved loved loved this show!  I used to watch Keri Russell on this show called Malibu Shores (which was short lived but a FAVORITE of mine) so that's how I started watching this show but I was in love with it.  And devastated when she cut her hair! 
Holy Crap this was my show.  Until the very last episode.  This is my least favorite season finale in the history of TV.  Seriously OZ writers - anthrax.  Poof - people in the mail room just disappeared so they shut down OZ.  Horrible horrible ending.
Seriously,  who didn't watch/love this show!?
Best cartoon ever.  Sarcastic wit at its best!  Although I wasn't really like Daria in High School I loved this cartoon and could relate to a lot!
Jenny McCarthy.  I wanted to be her.   I remember taking Teen Beat mags and ripping out pics of hot celebrities and playing Singled Out in my room with my sister and my cousins haha.
So there you have it.  9 Things I watched as a teen.  Obviously I watched a lot more but these were my favorites!!  Freaks and Geeks almost made the cut but it just gets an honorable mention only because it was so short lived.   This made me definitely want to do a list of shows I watched as a kid!!
What shows were your must watch!?
Did anyone else watch Malibu Shores!?


Monday, September 23, 2013

Holy Jalapeno!

I was making some chili in the crockpot and got around to the jalapenos.  I used a spoon to scoop out the middle and sliced them like normal.  Afterwards I washed my hands and kept going.  Well from being in the kitchen my face was slightly sweating and I wiped my upper lip with my hand and HOLY JALAPENO!

My face slowly began to burn and then all at once it felt like someone had poured ACID on my face!
My first reaction was to wash it - no bueno.  My boyfriend looked up a solution and here is what seriously saved my poor burning face and my sanity...

- Put some rubbing alcohol on the jalapeno burn spot (have everything else ready before you do this step because it burns like a mother) I put  mine on with a q-tip.

- Then follow it up with milk.  (I used a cotton swab)

- Next rub vegetable oil into the area.

- Followed by another cotton swab with water.

- Last but not least wash the area with dishwashing detergent.

And there you have it folks, jalapeno burn eased and your skin is saved!

Anyone else have any pepper burn experiences?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My last meal....

Ok.  So not to be morbid lately but going off my last post I decided to do a "My Last Meal" post.  I read an article a couple months ago on how there are websites that document peoples last words and last meals (sorry don't have the links bc its just a little too gruesome for my mind right now but I'm sure a quick google search could find you both!) 

I don't think "last meal" is too horrible to think about mostly because I love thinking about food.

So here goes...

APPETIZER - Bacon wrapped scallops

MAIN COURSE - Some sort of white fish - Cobia maybe with a lemon butter sauce and mashed potatoes with steamed asparagus on the side.

DRINK - An ice cold Miller Lite in a frosted glass

DESSERT - (could definitely change depending on the day because I'm not a huge dessert person and am slightly picky if I do have dessert) Coconut Crème Brulee


What would you choose as your last meal!?!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Play this song at my funeral...

I absolutely love the movie Love Actually.  One of the parts I love is how at his wife's funeral Liam Neesons  character says his wife requested the song "Bye, Bye Baby" by the Bay City Rollers be played and then began the slide show of pics of her life.

Got me thinking - what song do I want played at my funeral?  I'd like to keep it upbeat.  I'm sure my choice would probably be a popular choice among people if asked this question - but I don't really care. 

So, here is my choice - please play this at my funeral ......

What song would you choose?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

9 THINGS..... that drive me CRAZY.

I decided to start another "theme" post to do occasionally called "9 Things"
After my difficulty with finding topics to blog about for whatever the reason I found this little gem of a page with some ideas! 

So here goes the first "9 THINGS" post on my blog.....

9 things that drive me CRAZY.

1.  It drives me crazy when there is bad traffic and people drive up the shoulder just to get in front of everyone else.  This is probably my biggest pet peeve.  Selfishness at it's finest.  Why is your time more important than any of the rest of us waiting in traffic Mr. (or Mrs.) Impatient!
Seriously - I just CAN NOT handle this.  I sit in my head and imagine my car turning into a transformer and lifting this car up and sticking it in the back of the line or that I'm on Mario Kart and can throw a banana in front of them or shoot a red shell their way ...I've even considered as far as if I was a super hero my super power would be Karma (oh yeah sadly I've thought about this one in depth) and while they're driving up the side I'd simply point my finger and they'd get a flat.  Nothing horrible.  Just karma.  (I am aware this probably defeats the point of the word Karma and perhaps I should just said "fairness" or something but Karma Kelly has a better ring)  So please unless you are on fire do not drive up the shoulder of the road to cut in front of everyone else because you are driving me crazy!

2.  The thought or actual touching of a napkin on my teeth drives me crazy.  I have no idea what it is about this.  I'm not sure where it came from.  But it seriously makes me CRINGE.  I'm running my tongue over my teeth right now to try to get the thought out of my head.

3.  VOICEMAILS.  With today's technology if you are a friend of mine PLEASE do not leave me a voicemail  I hate listening to them.  Especially when it just says "hey its me - call me"  Yes, I have caller ID - I see you called and assume that means you want a call back.  Send me a text - please don't leave me a voicemail.  It drives me crazy.

4.  It drives me crazy that I curse.  I wouldn't mind if I did it once in a great while but unfortunately it's becoming a habit.  Call me sexist but when I hear women cursing when talking I really think yikes I wonder if they know how awful they sound.  Now I am not talking about the occasional curse word I'm talking about a curse word per sentence.  I've picked up doing it more than I like and slip and use it around people I'd rather not - so the fact that it's becoming a norm of mine is driving me fucking crazy! :)

5.  When people leave the top to the copy machine up at work.  It's always the same people.  I guess it's not that big of a deal in the long run but it definitely drives me crazy!!

6.  The people who let their kids run crazy - and think its cute - drive me crazy.  I'm not a parent so I try to be lax on this topic as much as I can but come on people have some common courtesy.  I love kids but I don't want to play 20 questions with your kid touching me while I'm trying to have a serious conversation at dinner.  Or trip over them while I'm in Target because you think its adorable the way they run away laughing when you tell them to come back 5x as you're staring at a bottle of Tide.  Drives me crazy.

7.  It drives me CRAZY when people don't say Thank-you.  It's such a simple gesture.  So easy to let it escape your lips - so why is it said less and less.  I try to say thank you all the time if someone is being polite or going out of their way for me so it's hard for me to understand when others don't do the same.  You're going to hold the door open for me?! Thank-you kind sir.  Oh I'll hold the door for this guy - sir, you don't say thank-you when I hold the door.....

8.  When you stop to let someone cross and they walk as if they haven't a care in the world.  Like they are a slug strolling across a sidewalk.  Especially when they give you the look - I think you guys probably know what I mean.  The "yeah you better stop" look.  Like it's your job to stop for them and dog gone it they're gonna make you work for that pay.   I think this kinda goes along with the same concept as saying thank you. 

And last but not least... 
9.  It drives me crazy that I over analyze everything!  Why didn't that person say thank you to me?  Well what if I write a thing that drives me crazy blog and I look like a real bitch?  Why did they say that in that tone?  Should I wear my hair straight or curly?  Seriously - everything.  I'm definitely working and getting better at this and am going to go with this is just part of being a woman to ease my mind on the topic a little haha but man do I drive myself crazy!! 

I am sure there are a ton more things that drive me crazy at times that I didn't think of right now.  And I fully realize these are all my opinions and people may feel drastically different about them.  But these are 9 things that drive me crazy and I hope it didn't drive you crazy reading them :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What I am Currently Listening To....

Non Stop.  I am definitely guilty of finding a song I like and playing it a million times until anyone who is in listening range wants to punch me in the face and I get so sick of the song I never want to hear it for another 5 years. 
Currently this is the song I have on repeat!
Zedd ft. Foxes - Clarity

This isn't my normal "type" of music I'd go after but just something about this song right now! 
I LOVE the lyrics, her voice, the music - EVERYTHING! 

Have you heard this one?  Thoughts on it?  What song are you currently stuck on!?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

To blog or not to blog....

I started this blog because I loved reading other people's blogs.  After finding myself reading several daily I started to get the urge to write one myself.

After having this new blog for a couple of weeks I have found myself constantly at a loss of words and content.  At least without feeling fake or forced with the content. 

Does anyone else have this problem?  Is it just me?

I think I'm a creative person and I have ideas all the time and yet when it comes to trying to post something my normal word diarrhea turns into blog constipation! 

Maybe I'm just not cut out for blogging?  Maybe I'm not giving it a good enough try?

I'm sure you're all thinking - duh if you can't think of anything to say - don't blog.  But I really feel like I want to - like I have an urge too - then here I sit and ..... I got nothing! 

Anyway, just sitting here curious if I'm the only one!!??

Saturday, August 31, 2013

3 Day Weekend - Woop Woop!

It's a 3 day weekend!!  Hooray!
I'm writing this from Ocean City, Maryland.  My last hoorah for the summer.
I'll post again on Tuesday but until then soak up all the summer you can get guys!

Until Then -

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My FAIR Lady!

We had beautiful weather this weekend so it was the perfect opportunity to visit the Maryland State Fair and Sunday we did just that!

I had never been to the Maryland State Fair.  I've been to many Maryland county fair's but never the state fair so this was a new experience for me!  In my head I thought the state fair would have been like the county fair x2!  But I was mistaken.  It was exactly like a county fair - in fact a little smaller than some. 

We started out walking around the animal section of the fair (my favorite part closely followed by carnival games)  The llama's and aplaca's are my favorite.  We got to watch a little bit of the llama showing - watching the 4-H kids taking the llama's they raised through an obstacle course.  Lets just say llama's aren't cut out for obstacle courses. Haha.


They were photogenic little guys!
For some reason whenever I walk through the animal section I spend the rest of the night contemplating being a vegetarian but luckily when I wake up in the morning those thoughts go out the window at the thought of bacon!
Next was on to the games and rides section.  It always looks so happy to me.
And then on to the food!
That's a whole lotta meat!

All in all it was a great day and perfect weather!  See you next year, Maryland State Fair!!